Smoking Policy in the Workplace

The Tobacco Products Control Act provides for the protection of non-smokers – it does not provide any benefit or protection for smokers. In addition, smoking in the workplace is not regulated by Labour Law but only by the above-mentioned Act. In terms of this Act, the employer is obliged to take steps to protect non-smoking

It takes more than money to make a happy workforce

If your employees enjoy high levels of job satisfaction, you’ll have a competitive edge in the market. Retaining employees can help drive down the costs of recruitment and training. 10 Tips on how to make your employees happy without having to offer them more money Offer a comfortable working environment and provide the right tools

New Standard Development for Management Consultancies

“Management consultancies have the potential to help businesses fly… if they are used correctly. A new standard in development aims to help consultancies and their clients achieve the best from their consultancy projects.” Read how ISO is Shining a light on management consultancies with new standard in development

Competency and the Need for Professionalism

When trying to ascertain whether someone is competent to be appointed for a position in a company, it is not just the academic qualifications that are measured. Consideration needs to be given to skills based competency. Take note also of trustworthiness and integrity. These are just some of the factors that, together, can describe the

Smoking in South Africa

The following article has been extracted from 2015. Smoking Laws in South Africa. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 September 15]. South Africa became one of the first countries in the world to ban smoking in public places in 2000 when it introduced its Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act. The act put a serious dent in

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