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CCS (Pty) Ltd and Sancert (Pty) Ltd are proud to roll out their ISO 9001-2015 independent certification for hotels and guest houses in South Africa. Tourists visiting our beautiful country are all familiar with International Quality Standards, and what better way to advertise that you are a quality operation than by means of being ISO 9001 certified?

Having a certified quality management system tells your guests that you have an operational system in place to ensure a high level of quality with regards to your staff, your facility and your services offered.

Star grading will tell a potential guest what you have to offer, ISO 9001 certification tells them there is a sound management system in place assuring them of the best possible service and satisfaction at all times.

As ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard ISO (International Organisation of Standards) it is of great value as a marketing tool. Having a documented ISO system will add much value to your already well established guest house by means of creating very clear procedures to deal with all processes.

CCS (Pty) Ltd has developed an easy to use ISO management system which will give you all the necessary checks and controls you need to gain ISO certification.

CCS (Pty) Ltd will:

  • Assist with a suitable system development and document it as per your process flows.
  • Implement all the necessary controls to allow for capturing customer satisfaction and customer complaints in dealing with customer issues.
  • Making sure you have a mechanism to manage all your resources and create the best possible quality environment for your guests.
  • Assist with uplifting your cleaning and service staff so that they are well trained and professional at all times.
  • Making sure your cleaning staff carry out proper cleaning services and room requirement.
  • Assist top management with setting clear objectives to ensure business continuity and growth.
  • Carry out internal quality health and safety audits on your establishment to ensure it meets all H&S legal requirements and safety requirements for guests and employees.
  • Ensure you have good training records for staff as well as clear job descriptions as required.
  • Monthly visits to ensure we can assist in maintaining a high level of quality for your business.

Sancert(Pty) Ltd will:

  • Carry out an annual independent quality assessment on your business to ensure it meets ISO 9001 requirements.
  • Issue certification to ISO 9001-2015.
  • Add your business name to their database.
  • Issue you with logo’s and flags for marketing purposes



  • ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised quality management system that is used by any type of business to ensure it has a good mechanism to carry out various business processes to a very high standard at all times.
  • It is a system that allows business owners to entrench various processes in a very organised and controlled manner.
  • It allows for good training of any existing or new staff so that they maintain the business quality requirement at all times.
  • It allows a company to deal with customer issues and try implement corrective actions to eliminate failure.
  • It is a recognised standard all over the world that any ISO9001 certified company has good sound practices and a high level of quality as a priority.
  • It gives potential guests a very comfortable feeling that they will be well cared for.

You decide2


Typically getting ISO9001 certified is a horrendous outlay, but CCS (Pty) Ltd and Sancert (Pty) Ltd have entered into a partnership specifically to drive quality into the tourism business sector and make ISO certification a realistic idea in hotels and guest houses.

  1. Typically, a guest house with 5 rooms: R800 per month
  2. Guest house with 10 rooms: R1200 per month
  3. Guest house with 16 rooms: R1500 per month

Payment will cover everything from monthly assistance to certification costs.

It will literally cost you one rooms income per month, but the potential to make you a preferred guest house, due to your certification, will surpass that cost easily!

Quality Guarenteed
Get ISO9001-2015 certified today it’s the way forward!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance or give further detail.

Delivery Service 

During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
Thank you for your understanding!