Bee and Wasp Sting Emergency Protocol

Despite the differences between bee and wasp venom, symptoms of their stings are similar and can be treated in a similar way. A bee will sting only once, a wasp often stings multiple times. A bee also leaves its sting behind, embedded in the skin of the patient. Bee and wasp stings may result in

Anaphylaxis Emergency Protocol

First Aid Techniques Do not hesitate to act! The first signs of anaphylaxis can be mild, becoming life-threatening very quickly. Alert security or safety officer and arrange for transportation of the patient. If the patient has an Epinephrine auto-injector, use it at the first signs of the anaphylaxis. Repeat every 5 minutes if the symptoms

Spider Bite Emergency Protocol

In South Africa, there has never been a verified death from a spider bite. Of the approximately 2500 species of spider in southern Africa, only about 20 species are considered medically important. There are 4 groups of medically important spiders in Africa. Use the following Identikit to make a positive identification. If the spider can be

Forklift Blind Spots Are Unforgiving

Forklift blind spots are everywhere. Forward, back, left and right. Hear how to avoid collisions and injuries when hauling large loads or driving backward. Sometimes powered industrial trucks, a.k.a. forklifts, have more blind spots than areas of clear vision. A full load can completely block the forward view. Parts of the forklift itself are culprits

Extreme Safety Fails

We recently posted an article about a few situations where safety was not the number one priority, see Health and Safety Nominations (Please don’t try this at home). Here are some more interesting scenario’s whereby health and safety was definitely not taking into consideration when completing various tasks. Remember: Safety PAYS, being unsafe COSTS! Always think

General Safety- Carelessness

Have you ever done anything silly, something that you know puts you at increased risk of injury? When you realised how silly you were, whether you got hurt or not, did you ask yourself “why did I ever do that?”. For your own preservation, this should be a very important question for you to answer

General Safety- Attitude and Behaviour

Humans instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. Yet, we may behave in a manner that is a threat to our well-being. There are a couple of reasons why this occurs: The first is lack knowledge- What you do not know, can hurt you! The second reason we may act in a risky manner is

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