ISO Systems and Procedures

As many might know, OHSAS 18001-2007 (Health and Safety Management System) is in the process of being established as an ISO standard. The ISO 45001 standard as it will be known, will apply the same structure, definitions and core text being used for the present revisions of ISO 14001 ,Environmental management system, and ISO 9001, Quality management system.

Preparing for an Emergency

An interesting read found online at I noticed this website is not South African based but you may still find it very interesting and may serve as quite useful for some. They provide information on how to prepare for emergencies such as: Technological & accidental hazards Natural Disasters Terrorist Hazards Recovering from disaster Evacuations

Smoking Policy in the Workplace

The Tobacco Products Control Act provides for the protection of non-smokers – it does not provide any benefit or protection for smokers. In addition, smoking in the workplace is not regulated by Labour Law but only by the above-mentioned Act. In terms of this Act, the employer is obliged to take steps to protect non-smoking

New Standard Development for Management Consultancies

“Management consultancies have the potential to help businesses fly… if they are used correctly. A new standard in development aims to help consultancies and their clients achieve the best from their consultancy projects.” Read how ISO is Shining a light on management consultancies with new standard in development

Extreme Safety Fails

We recently posted an article about a few situations where safety was not the number one priority, see Health and Safety Nominations (Please don’t try this at home). Here are some more interesting scenario’s whereby health and safety was definitely not taking into consideration when completing various tasks. Remember: Safety PAYS, being unsafe COSTS! Always think

Look after your Eyewash Stations

Improperly maintained eyewash stations can create a greater hazard than those they’re designed to protect against. Eyewash stations are a staple in facilities that use materials that can cause eye injury or eye infection, providing reprieve after accidental exposure. But simply having an eyewash station in your workplace isn’t enough. Not properly maintaining a station

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During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
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