Wear the Correct Safety Clothing Properly at ALL Times! If safety clothing such as a lab coat, eye protection, gloves, respirator, hard hats etc, has been designated for your work, please wear it and ensure you understand how to use it correctly. It could save a nasty injury!
The OHS act requires that lifting equipment be assessed and validated as fit for use. Remember a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore when having lifting equipment inspected and certified you need to ensure it’s done from the beam or gantry that the lifting equipment is attached to, right down to…
Despite the differences between bee and wasp venom, symptoms of their stings are similar and can be treated in a similar way. A bee will sting only once, a wasp often stings multiple times. A bee also leaves its sting behind, embedded in the skin of the patient. Bee and wasp stings may result in…
In South Africa, there has never been a verified death from a spider bite. Of the approximately 2500 species of spider in southern Africa, only about 20 species are considered medically important. There are 4 groups of medically important spiders in Africa. Use the following Identikit to make a positive identification. If the spider can be…
Forklift blind spots are everywhere. Forward, back, left and right. Hear how to avoid collisions and injuries when hauling large loads or driving backward. Sometimes powered industrial trucks, a.k.a. forklifts, have more blind spots than areas of clear vision. A full load can completely block the forward view. Parts of the forklift itself are culprits…
This video describes some of the associated risk factors for injuries (particularly low back injury) within the warehouse industry. Proper lifting and handling techniques are discussed as preventative methods to reduce the risk for developing these disorders.
We recently posted an article about a few situations where safety was not the number one priority, see Health and Safety Nominations (Please don’t try this at home). Here are some more interesting scenario’s whereby health and safety was definitely not taking into consideration when completing various tasks. Remember: Safety PAYS, being unsafe COSTS! Always think…
Sometimes one cannot help but laugh! What were these people thinking? Although this may bring a smile to your face, please please please do NOT try any of the following as you could get seriously hurt or incur death.
Improperly maintained eyewash stations can create a greater hazard than those they’re designed to protect against. Eyewash stations are a staple in facilities that use materials that can cause eye injury or eye infection, providing reprieve after accidental exposure. But simply having an eyewash station in your workplace isn’t enough. Not properly maintaining a station…
Every day there are accidents on our roads. The type of accidents could be a vehicle to vehicle crash, a rollover or hitting a solid object. There may be fatalities or serious injuries. Investigators want to know what caused the accident and there are multiple choices to choose from. Causes such as driving under the…