General Safety- Backing into Trouble

When we are walking around on the job, particularly when handling material, we are subject to many dangers. Think about the following scenarios and see if you have ever been in a similar position: An employee was inside a truck removing empty drums onto the trucks elevator tail gate and then lowering it. Another employee was

General Safety- Attitude and Behaviour

Humans instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. Yet, we may behave in a manner that is a threat to our well-being. There are a couple of reasons why this occurs: The first is lack knowledge- What you do not know, can hurt you! The second reason we may act in a risky manner is

General Safety- A Single Second

It takes a minute to write a safety rule. It takes an hour to hold a safety meeting. It takes a week to plan a good safety program. It takes a month to put that program into operation. It takes a year to win a safety award. It takes a lifetime to make a safety

Fumes, Odors and Smoke

Fumes, odor and smoke can cause serious problems; they may also affect health or spoil the local environment. The problems are a statutory nuisance controlled by the local council or the environment agency i.e. mobile plant, vehicles, fires etc. Processes involving the combustion of fuels and the heating and drying of materials commonly emit fumes

Flying Objects

A carpenter asked his employer to pay for the damage done to his glass eye which was broken when a nail he had been driving flew up and struck it. When he was asked how he lost the eye in the first place he replied, “Oh, the same way, a flying nail”. A dark world

Fire Extinguishers

There are several types of fire extinguishers which can sometimes be identified by their colour. Many will be coloured red with a label identifying their type. Type Colour Water Red Foam Cream Carbon Dioxide Black Dry Powder Blue Halon Green Water Extinguishers Should be used for materials such as wood and paper. They must not

Extension Cord Safety

We use extension cords almost every day both at work and at home. These are very useful devices, but they can present a fire or shock hazard when either worn out or used improperly. Types of Extension Cords Extension cords come in either two or three-wire types: Two-wire extension cords These should only be used

Everyone is Responsible for Safety

Safety is everyone’s responsibility! As an employee, you should: Learn to work safely and take all rules seriously. Recognise hazards and avoid them. Report all accidents, injuries and illnesses to your supervisor immediately. Inspect tools before use to avoid injury. Wear all assigned Personal Protective Equipment. On the other hand it is Managements responsibility to:

Electrical Safety when using Portable Lead Lights

It is important to follow these precautions when using portable light strings: Inspect Inspect the wiring and fixtures before stringing the lights or before they are energized or plugged in. Make sure the outer insulation is not damaged, the plug ends are intact, and the fixtures are not cracked. Ground The light-string must be grounded.

Disassembly, Assembly and Maintenance

Always fully read and understand the Disassembly and Assembly manual before attempting to perform any maintenance on any machine! Belly Pan Removal Be sure the surface underneath the belly pan is solid, flat, smooth and unobstructed. Use caution around pinch points and potential pinch points. Be alert for possible movement of guards. Always be sure

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