Health and Safety Policy Review Checklist

The  following  checklist  can  be  used  as  an  aid  in  the  writing  and  reviewing  of  a  health  and   safety  policy.  It  is  derived  from  UK  HSE  Information. General policy  and  organisation: Are  the  obligations  towards  your  employees  made  clear  and  does  the  statement   express  a  commitment  to  health  and  safety? Does  it  say

Different Types of Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is a systematic examination of a task, job or process that you carry out at work for the purpose of; Identifying the significant hazards that are present (a hazard is something that has the potential to cause someone harm or ill health). Three types of risk assessments: Baseline risk assessments (Baseline HIRA)


REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Many people recycle their waste newspaper, bottles, cans and magazines created within their home. Recycling collection points are readily accessible to everyone at many different locations such as supermarkets, community halls, car parks and schools. It has now become common practice for many people to recycle within their home but not so

Smoking in South Africa

The following article has been extracted from 2015. Smoking Laws in South Africa. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 September 15]. South Africa became one of the first countries in the world to ban smoking in public places in 2000 when it introduced its Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act. The act put a serious dent in

How to Write a Health & Safety Policy for your Business

The following information has been extracted from: Health and Safety Executive. (1999) Write a health and safety policy for your business. [Online] Available from:[Accessed 7 September 2015]. By explaining how the business will manage the health and safety policy within the organisation, staff and stakeholders will become aware of the businesses commitment to health and

Workplace Fire Safety

The following article covers the fire strategies that need to be in place in order to comply with legislation. This includes prevention, risk assessment, fire detection and containment and evacuation plans: Workplace Fire Safety

Manual Handling

Manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work. Almost a quarter of all injuries at work are caused by accidents during manual handling. Most of the injuries are to hands, feet, legs and backs. Some of the back injuries result in permanent disability. Although the manual handling operations regulations do

Delivery Service 

During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
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