Tip of the Month-10 Tips for Working Safely

Staying healthy and safe at work is important. No matter what your job, it is important to reduce your risks of injury and illness at work. Here are some tips to help make your workplace safe. Understand the risks. Once you know the particular hazards of your job or workplace, you can take steps to

Dare to dream big: three innovators change the world with standards

They are flying across oceans without fuel, giving ordinary people robotic super strength, and growing crops in the desert… In a new video series, three #inspiringinnovators tell the story of how International Standards helped them reach new heights in their search for technologies that could transform the world we know today. Solar Impulse – André

Embracing global standards key to improving quality of Kenya education

Like businesses, academic institutions cannot run away from the reality of globalisation. Technology has turned the world into a small village and local activities are today impacted by global forces. The same forces are shaping education trends. The world is so networked that the education requirements in developed countries are more or less similar to

Tip of the Month- 10. Health & Safety Rule

Complacency Kills- Don’t Cut Corners! Don’t be tempted to cut corners, one day your luck may run out and either you will be hurt or you may be responsible for injuring someone else. Obey the law, follow company policy and procedures and be vigilant; stop unsafe acts or non compliant situations.

Nile Crocodile Emergency Protocol

A widely recognised animal with an average length of 4.5m, but specimens of over 6m are not uncommon.  The Nile crocodile is widespread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, occurring mostly in the central, eastern, southern and some western parts of the continent. Inhabits many different types of aquatic environments such as estuaries, lakes, rivers and marshlands. For

Scorpion Sting Emergency Protocol

Using the Venomosity Rule of Thumb, the initial pain experienced by the patient, and the factors that influence the severity of a scorpion sting, we can predict the severity of future symptoms. To better understand the expected severity of scorpion envenomation, remember: Scorpions with small pincers and a thick tail are more venomous than scorpions

Tip of the Month- 9. Health & Safety Rule

Stop any work that becomes unsafe! If you have any doubts on whether the work you are doing or your workplace is safe, stop work and inform your line manager/ supervisor. You have the legal right to stop work if you feel you are in serious and imminent danger. Also if you see any one

Snake Bite Emergency Protocol

Snake bite first aid depends on the snake’s venom and bite symptoms. Use the following to make a positive identification. Make sure your emergency response plan is accessible. First Aid Techniques For assistance with spider bites, contact the Poison Information Helpline on +27(0)21 931-6129 Source: http://www.venomworks.com/free-downloads/

Rio 2016 receives top global sustainability certificate for organisation of major events

The work of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee to deliver the Olympic and Paralympic Games – and a positive legacy – in a sustainable manner has been recognised with the award of the top global certificate for the sector. Created in 2012 and applied to the London Games, the ISO 20121 international standard establishes sustainability

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