Total Risk Reduction

There is no such thing as an unimportant thing or being.  If you really want to reduce risk and improve on anything, you must consider everything in the process line or management structure. A key word is “TOTALITY”– end to end review. A high tech iPad is of no use if you dispose of the

Tip of the Month- Assessing Suppliers

ISO9001-2008 requires Companies to have a mechanism to assess their suppliers and continually evaluate the overall products and services they offer you. It is not necessary to assess every single supplier who you might purchase from. It is more important to control your critical suppliers who do supply products and services that affect your product

Everyone is Responsible for Safety

Safety is everyone’s responsibility! As an employee, you should: Learn to work safely and take all rules seriously. Recognise hazards and avoid them. Report all accidents, injuries and illnesses to your supervisor immediately. Inspect tools before use to avoid injury. Wear all assigned Personal Protective Equipment. On the other hand it is Managements responsibility to:

Delivery Service 

During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
Thank you for your understanding!