Top 10 Tips for a Lean ISO 27001 Implementation

Are you contemplating ISO 27001 implementation but concerned about the time and management resources that will be needed? Many modern businesses operate in a lean and agile way and this is often seen as contradictory to the traditionally bureaucratic processes associated with ISO 27001. Some even believe it may restrict the way they run their

Forklift Blind Spots Are Unforgiving

Forklift blind spots are everywhere. Forward, back, left and right. Hear how to avoid collisions and injuries when hauling large loads or driving backward. Sometimes powered industrial trucks, a.k.a. forklifts, have more blind spots than areas of clear vision. A full load can completely block the forward view. Parts of the forklift itself are culprits

How to lift objects safely in the warehouse

This video describes some of the associated risk factors for injuries (particularly low back injury) within the warehouse industry. Proper lifting and handling techniques are discussed as preventative methods to reduce the risk for developing these disorders.

Staying Safe & Sober in the Workplace

Justin Goldblatt, general manager of Runrite Electronics, explains how alcohol abuse in the workplace can be overcome. Alcohol is the most widely used and commonly available intoxicating substance. Alcohol testing has become commonplace in the industrial sector; primarily driven by health and safety legislation, which encourages testing to mitigate risk. Many companies have implemented “zero

It takes more than money to make a happy workforce

If your employees enjoy high levels of job satisfaction, you’ll have a competitive edge in the market. Retaining employees can help drive down the costs of recruitment and training. 10 Tips on how to make your employees happy without having to offer them more money Offer a comfortable working environment and provide the right tools

Extreme Safety Fails

We recently posted an article about a few situations where safety was not the number one priority, see Health and Safety Nominations (Please don’t try this at home). Here are some more interesting scenario’s whereby health and safety was definitely not taking into consideration when completing various tasks. Remember: Safety PAYS, being unsafe COSTS! Always think

Look after your Eyewash Stations

Improperly maintained eyewash stations can create a greater hazard than those they’re designed to protect against. Eyewash stations are a staple in facilities that use materials that can cause eye injury or eye infection, providing reprieve after accidental exposure. But simply having an eyewash station in your workplace isn’t enough. Not properly maintaining a station

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