Tip of the Month- 10. Health & Safety Rule

Complacency Kills- Don’t Cut Corners! Don’t be tempted to cut corners, one day your luck may run out and either you will be hurt or you may be responsible for injuring someone else. Obey the law, follow company policy and procedures and be vigilant; stop unsafe acts or non compliant situations.

Tip of the Month- 9. Health & Safety Rule

Stop any work that becomes unsafe! If you have any doubts on whether the work you are doing or your workplace is safe, stop work and inform your line manager/ supervisor. You have the legal right to stop work if you feel you are in serious and imminent danger. Also if you see any one

General Safety- Carelessness

Have you ever done anything silly, something that you know puts you at increased risk of injury? When you realised how silly you were, whether you got hurt or not, did you ask yourself “why did I ever do that?”. For your own preservation, this should be a very important question for you to answer

General Safety- Backing into Trouble

When we are walking around on the job, particularly when handling material, we are subject to many dangers. Think about the following scenarios and see if you have ever been in a similar position: An employee was inside a truck removing empty drums onto the trucks elevator tail gate and then lowering it. Another employee was

Delivery Service 

During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
Thank you for your understanding!