Did you know it is a legal requirement stipulated in the OHS act that all companies need to have a Health and Safety meeting at least quarterly?
- It is a good idea to ensure you have representation for all levels or departments in your business to make the meeting effective and have overall input.
- Each representative should bring items to the meeting such as, accidents which have happened, potential accidents that could of happened, work area conditions, valid first aid certificates still in place, fire marshal’s still adequate, legal lifting equipment certificates still valid, first aid box in good condition, possible training needed and any other potential problems or health and safety issues.
- Always discuss previous minutes and ensure all that has been documented has been addressed. Make sure notes are kept and responsibilities issued with suitable close out dates.
People are your most valued asset in a business, so it stands to reason making sure their work environment and risk plans are good.
This will go a long way to enhancing your operation!